Jeep® Brazil Has Unveiled Its 2023 MY Renegade Lineup!
New Looks, More Tech, & Standard Turbo Power...

Last month, Jeep® Brazil gave us a sneak peek at the updated 2023 Jeep Renegade for the Brazilian market. But now, Jeep Brazil is ready to show the world the rest of its improvements to its Renegade lineup. The Renegade marks an important piece of the brand’s portfolio, as the best-selling vehicle in the brand’s second-biggest market (behind the United States).

Jeep® Brazil Has Unveiled Its 2023 MY Renegade Lineup!
Last month, Jeep® Brazil gave us a sneak peek at the updated 2023 Jeep Renegade for the Brazilian market. But now, Jeep Brazil is ready to show the world the rest of its improvements to its Renegade lineup. The Renegade marks an important piece of the brand's portfolio, as the best-selling...