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Hands free lift gate? won’t


Sorry to keep asking newbie questions..but the hands-free gate lift is enabled (I think..the button is marked on the screen settings) but when you put your foot under the sensor it only lights and no lift. is there something I’m missing?

thank you!!


Staff member
I am not a fan of the "buttons" on the U-Connect screen. They're deceiving. Illuminated means "active" and the "blacked out" means inactive. You may have to play with it.....before trekking to dealer. Keep us updated @jefflaur1


New member
Make sure that you are doing a kick straight in and then backing out. It seems to give me a lot of beeps if it thinks that the door is going to hit something, so I ninja kick under the spare tire, dead center, then step back a few paces.


Staff member
Also - the key (I believe must be on your person) for the hands free lift gate option to work.