Jeep Wagoneer Forums

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Countdown until the Wagoneer reveal!

Time until Jeep reveals the Wagoneer and Grand Wagoneer.
The reveal is here!

Hello from the year 2020

This message is from right before the Grand Wagoneer came out. What is it like in 2020 I hear you ask? Well, since this is Mopar we have No-Car. Or at least no big SUV. Still busy makin the babies we plan to haul around in this cool new Grand Wagoneer. Currently driving a 2000 Jeep Cherokee Classic 4-door 4WD. With three babies though, whenever we take my Dad somewhere, wifey has to hop in the backety back. I get funny looks when I run my hand hungrily up my Dad's leg squeezing gently, this has to stop. Also, I have a hard time hearing the navigation system from way back there.